After our Dolphin excursion we were picked up by the same taxi driver who dropped us off at Dolphin Discovery. This time we were going to the beach. It’s called SHIPWRECK BEACH. It was a nice beach with a restaurant/bar. Lots of good snorkeling with many fish.  We brought our own snorkel with us.  We were told that a lot of monkeys hang out there but we didn’t see any. They have picnic tables, hammocks, showers, and restrooms. You can also rent snorkeling gear here. This was a very relaxing place.

Be sure to bring backpacks for excursions.  It’s nice to change clothes and like here bring snorkel gear and cameras.

Need swimsuits here.

We stayed there about 1 1/2 hours then our taxi driver picked us up to go back to the ship. Our taxi drivers name was 007 – JAMES BOND. He was awesome. If you are in St Kitts look him up for your transportation.

#affordableadventuresforall #stkitts #shipwreckbeach #thingstodoinstkitts

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