I have lived in Orlando since 1987 and never been to FUN SPOT – Orlando. I have been to the Fun Spot – Kissimmee many times through out the years. Last May was FUN SPOT’s 20 year anniversary. For their anniversary they sold admission tickets for $20.00 and the Sky Coaster for $10.00. I was feeling brave that day and bought a couple of SKY COASTER tickets. I’ve always wanted to do it but always chickened out but today would be different. I DID IT!!! You definitely need a camera for this.

Here’s some cameras that I like.

It was awesome. As I was being suited up and waiting to go up my mind was racing. I was very nervous, thinking how out of my mind I was, and of course thinking the worst could happen.

Finally it’s my turn. I anxiously walked to the big blue box where 2 employees were waiting. They talked to me about all the times they had done this while getting me to relax as they hooked me up to the ropes and cords. They had me fall forward and the next thing I knew I was dangling in the air waiting to be lifted up. This is when I started thinking about possibly flying out of the harness then I started moving. As I went higher and higher all the people on the ground became smaller and smaller. I finally come to a stop 250 feet high above FUN SPOT – Orlando.

I was told to pull the string on my right side when I heard the 3,2,1 count down. I waited up there what seemed like forever and I didn’t hear anything so when I stopped swaying I held my breath and pulled the string. My stomach forgot to come down with me but it caught up after a few seconds. This was incredible. I’m ready to do it again.

If you have ever wanted to experience something like this all I can say is “DO IT!!” Here’s a link to get discount Fun Spot tickets through out the year.

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