When I was looking for an excursion CORAL WORLD came up. As I read their website I realized that they have a lot to do there. They have a SEA LION SWIM, TURTLE ENCOUNTER, SNUBA, SEA LION ENCOUNTER, SEA TREK, SEMI SUB, and before the hurricane in September 2017 they also had a SHARK SWIM. The SHARK SWIM is what I was really looking for but I couldn’t find it anywhere. I first thought about just booking their GUIDED TOUR for $24.00 then I noticed the SEA LION SWIM and none of us have ever swam with a SEA LION so I thought that would be the perfect excursion for all 8 of us.

The SEA LION loves getting rubbed. He swam up to us for us to rub him. He then gave us a ride on his back. All we had to do was hold on and he swam. We danced with him by holding his fins and going in circles. We gave him a hug and he gave us a kiss. The trainer trained us how to made the SEA LION jump out of the water. He even gave us high 5’s and performed some tricks for us.

This excursion took about 75 minutes. Regular price is $122.00 to SWIM with a SEA LION. With any excursion you get in the part for FREE otherwise it is $15.00 per person. Make sure you have water shoes for excursions like this. Here are some water shoes you may like.

I have to say that CORAL WORLD is one of my favorite places yet. If you make it to St. Thomas this is a must see place. They have something for everyone. Lots of activities here whether you are on the island for the day from a cruise ship or you are staying in a resort on the island visit CORAL WORLD. Bring your camera for lots of special memories.



#coralworld #stthomasexcursions #affordableadventuresforall #swimwithsealions #bestthingtodoinstthomas

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