I have quite a story to tell today. It started by meeting in the Windjammer for breakfast then off the ship. We are in St Thomas today. As we departed the ship about 10am we took a taxi downtown to look around. We went in a few shops looking around and getting our free gifts. We knew we had time before our 1pm excursion so we were in no hurry till Regina ask if our 1pm excursion was ship time or island time?? Now we all started to panic. We jumped in a taxi while still discussing it we called CORAL WORLD this is where our excursion was, only to find out that we had missed our time. They had been looking for us because the excursion was for 1pm island time.  

St Thomas is 1 hour ahead of ship time. So now we are already late and would you believe we got stuck behind a 4 car accident. I was in full panic mode now because CORAL WORLD was about 30 minutes from downtown.

I have been speaking with Valerie (Coral World’s marketing director). I thought we had missed out on swimming with the SEA LIONS but Valerie was incredible and worked up a special behind the scenes SWIM WITH A SEA LION excursion for us. It was beyond awesome. Valerie and her team made a horrible situation awesome.

We have our swimsuits and water shoes already on and a change of clothes in our backpack. We are ready.

As we arrived Valerie met us at the gate and started to explain that she and her team had put together something special for us.

We now had time to walk around the park for a couple of hours so we headed to the under water aquarium where we could watch fish being fed. Lots of fish were coming from everywhere. At the same time they had a sea trek tour, we also enjoyed watching some gorgeous birds being fed.  You must bring a camera here.  I always take my under water camera on water related excursions. Here is the one I have and some you may like.


Then we watched a sea lion show. They also have stingrays, live starfish and live shells.

Some of my group enjoyed snacks from the Shark Bar and Grill. They also have a gift shop for some souvenirs and memories.

This was the BEST excursion ever. We were taken through the back of the house to get to the SEA LION. As we slowly submerged into the cold water the Sea Lion was unbelievable. He is trained very well as he listened to every demand. He swims very fast and loves his fish. He interacted with all of us. We received special kisses and he posed for pictures with us in the water and out.

CORAL WORLD is a great place to spend the day whether you are on a cruise ship or staying in a resort in St Thomas. They have snuba, snorkeling, sea trek, semi submarine, turtle encounter, birds, lots of iguanas, underwater aquarium where you see lots of fish, sea lions encounter and a sea lion swim. Also a beach is next door called Coki Beach and across the road you can rent jet skis.

Before the hurricane in September 2017 they had shark encounters and swimming with the sharks but the sharks were released into the ocean when the hurricane came. They will have them again in the near future. As many places in the islands CORAL WORLD had a lot of damage from the hurricane and they are still rebuilding. CORAL WORLD needs all of our help.

1) If you are in St Thomas please visit CORAL WORLD they need tourists. Lots of tourists and as many as possible. This is how they survive.

2) Please repost this to let people know about CORAL WORLD and all that they have to offer. #coralworld #sealions #excursions #stthomas

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